Training for 2022 Peaks with THB - By Reece Conlan

After 2 prior attempts (2017 & 2021), who has been riding for over 15 yrs, completing the Peaks Challenge in Sub 10hrs just seemed out of my capability as a cyclist. Especially with my attempt in 2021, where even though I completed a long and what I thought was a comprehensive training program to achieve my Sub 10 goal, unfortunately my ride that day went pear shaped from the half way mark (Dinner Plain) when I suffered severe cramps for the remainder of the ride including the horrendous "WTF & Back of Falls" sections where I had to do the walk of shame on a few occasions! Whilst I ended up with a 10.31hr result, I was exhausted & shattered with my result.

After stating post event, that my Peaks Challenge days were over & sub 10 hrs was just a bridge too far for me, luckily for me I had a conversation with David "Steggles" Sturt who runs The Hurt Box (THB) Cycling Coaching & he planted a seed that perhaps my cycling Sub 10 hr dream was in fact very possible. 

 After a few chats on what training activities I did prior to the 2021 event, what average power & power targets I rode at prior to cramping, what hydration & nutrition did I consume before & during the ride etc, Steggles was pretty confident that he had a plan for me and others in his THB group who were also wanting to achieve a Sub 10 result. 

Therefore in Oct 2021, I signed up with THB crew & the Peaks 2022 plan begun under the watchful eye of Steggles & his trusty Lieutenant - Brett Kingston. Following a well planned weekly schedule to build a good base and with an excellent mix of training sessions (tempo riding, hill repeats to the very important recovery sessions and of course some challenging but well planned endurance rides over the last 6 - 8 weeks. All of this planning plus the amazing support of the other riders in THB group sessions enabled me to progress and improve my cycling fitness every week in leading up to the 2022 Peaks Challenge event.

 So with many months of work completed, I couldn't believe how good I felt leading into the 2022 Peaks Challenge. I was raring to go. A week out from the event, Steggles announced that he and a few of our more experienced riders would be joining a few us on the ride to assist us in achieving our Sub 10hr quest. This was awesome news and this just shows how dedicated he and many of the THB crew are towards helping other riders within the group in achieving their cycling goals, be it endurance events, weekly club crits or at higher pro events. 

 Pre-Event, Steggles laid out our Sub 10 plan, and as a group we would roll together in a controlled level of power output (especially up the mountain peaks) and the importance of our nutrition & hydration intake every hour and limited stopping times at the rest stops. 

 Words cannot express how amazing this plan & support from the THB team went over the day. I just felt so good throughout the ride and coming into the famous WTF / Back of Falls section, we were ready and I couldnt believe how good my legs felt as we were about to hit this very tough section of this event, which basically makes or breaks your ride. After 1hr 37 mins later, I had conquered the Back of Falls without getting off the bike for the first time in 3 attempts. After flying across the top of Falls, around the dam and rounding the corner into the finishing straight, I looked up to see that I was about to cross the finishing line in 9hrs & 46 mins! I couldn't believe that I had taken 45 mins of my previous years time, but also how good I felt and how much I had enjoyed the ride, all thanks to Steggles and the mighty THB team in assisting me & other THB members in achieving our personal Sub 10 goal. 

Again, words cannot express my gratitude enough towards Steggles & the THB crew and I thoroughly recommend getting in touch with him & Brett and let them help you improve your cycling and if you desire, take it to another level to achieve your cycling goals by joining the brilliant THB cycling group.


Tri to Road - By David Reaburn


So much to learn - By Brett Lindstrom